The weatherman is calling for a 25 degree drop in temperatures this Friday! Could this possibly be the start of fall for us? Probably just a little teaser. Whatever the case just the suggestion of autumn weather gives me a much needed jolt to finish those projects I started in summer and sluggishly put aside. For starters I thought I would bind these quilts so we can use them to snuggle under. Not a very good picture. I seem to be on a learning curve these days. Trying to figure out blogging without my children's help at the same time getting acquainted with a new camera that seems to have the ability to do just about everything but cook dinner.

As much as I am looking forward to a nice long break from the sweltering heat there is a part of me that will miss the last remaining beauty of summer here in the south. My garden will be sorely missed especially the Moonflower which never ceases to amaze me. Every evening it opens up to brighten the pitch black of night. Their fragrance is an association with childhood summers visiting relatives in the Indiana country. Even the hummingbirds can't seem to get enough as they hover to drink in the last bit of sweet nectar.
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